

Understanding Student’s Goals and Interests:

Inquire about the student’s academic interests and career goals.
Listen actively and show genuine interest in their aspirations.
Presenting University Offerings:

Provide an overview of your university’s strengths and key features.
Highlight programs, faculty expertise, campus facilities, and extracurricular activities.
Academic Programs and Majors:

Detail the range of academic programs and majors available.
Explain how each program aligns with the student’s interests.
Admission Requirements:

Clearly explain the admission criteria for international students.
Outline standardized test requirements, language proficiency tests, transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.

Scholarships and Financial Aid:

Describe available scholarships, grants, and financial aid options.
Provide information on application processes and deadlines.
Cultural and Campus Life:

Showcase the campus’s cultural diversity and international student support services.
Highlight activities and events that enrich the student’s cultural experience.
Student Support Services:

Discuss academic advising, counseling, health services, and career development resources.
Emphasize the university’s commitment to student success.
Application Process and Deadlines:

Guide the student through the application process step by step.
Specify deadlines and required documents for a complete application.

Visa and Immigration Information:

Provide an overview of the visa application process.
Explain required documents and immigration regulations.
Q&A Session:

Allocate time for the student to ask questions.
Offer detailed responses to address their concerns.
Next Steps:

Summarize the consultation’s key points.
Outline the student’s next actions, such as application submission and test preparation.
Follow-Up and Contact Information:

Provide your contact details for further inquiries.
Mention your availability for follow-up assistance.

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